I run for this office so I can help make a difference in our community. As we see the state and federal governments continue to fight and not work for the people, local government more than ever has to work for the people. The county of DuPage continues to face pressures from the state's inability to balance a budget and we need leaders on the board who are willing to make tough decisions that is the best for our county and not be pressured by outside issues. With raising a family in the county I want to make DuPage County the best places for not only for my family but for all of the people that live here.
We continue to see the rise of the opioid epidemic here in DuPage and need to double our efforts to make a difference in the community. We need to work with local schools, law enforcement and our municipalities to inform residents on the signs and dangers of this drug. The County has also joined with other counties to go after the drug manufactures and doctors who are over producing and prescribing these drugs. We must continue to look at the budget and make sure we are not wasting the taxpayers money.
I have worked hard on the County Board to make a difference. On property taxes, the County portion of your taxes has not been increased in 10 years. We have been the State model for consolidation of governments and 7 units of government have been abolished. We need to work with other governments to reduce the burden on our taxpayers to find ways to share services and get rid of more layers of government. I have accomplished a lot of work in our District. We have spent over 50 million on Stormwater projects in Bartlett -- Beaver Pond, Carol Stream -- Armstrong Park and Warrenville -- West Branch Du Page River. We replaced the Warrenville Bridge and rebuilt Gary Ave. I will continue to get funding for Stormwater projects and road projects in the District. I will push for more of our schools to join in on heroin our prevention for our kids. As Chairman of the Water Commission we have taken an agency that had to borrow 80 million dollars 8 years ago, to an agency that has reduced staff costs, streamlined operations and now has no debt and reserves to run the commission. We negotiated an agreement to bring the Village of Bartlett Lake Michigan water starting in 2019.
One of the biggest issues that is being brought to light is mental health. We need to do a better job with early detection or symptoms. From seeing the early signs in our schools to warning signs later in life. We need to train our law enforcement on how to spot these problems when they are dealing with our residents. With the opioid epidemic and metal health we need to find ways to treat and help our residents so they can be productive members of society. We need to work with the medical profession and hospitals to fund programs early and it will save money and lives down the road. Form a collation or public / private partnership.
Crime. Over the past few years we have seen the crime spill out of the City of Chicago and affect DuPage County.
Late Senator John McCain, do what's right for the people and not a political party.
Always treat people the way you want to be treated.
I tell my kids to work hard always give something 100 percent, study hard and have fun.
Life doesn't give you do-overs, but spending more time with my family.